Do you remember the classic movie, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?

In the movie, two siblings, along with their two next door neighbors, are accidentally shrunk by their dad's experimental shrinking machine. They are unknowingly taken out with the trash, and have to journey across the backyard to get back home. And to them, it is miles and miles of dangerous terrain. At one point they come across a terrifying creature: an ant. It's larger than an elephant, and seemingly very ferocious and dangerous. After an initial confrontation with the ant, they realize that it's actually friendly. They adopt it as their pet, they name it Antie, and Antie actually becomes pivotal to their journey. They all ride Antie on their adventure, covering more ground faster. They encounter a scorpion, and Antie even helps save their lives. Antie was initially their enemy; something they needed to fight, battle, destroy. When their perspective changed and they accepted and befriended Antie, it was the game changer that made their journey and success possible. Their enemy became their ride, the key to their survival and making it across the backyard quickly and safely. For this pivotal change to happen, they had to change their perspective on Antie. They initially saw him as an enemy. This is the first thing that had to change. They had to accept Antie. He was still big and scary, but they didn't see him as a monster. They accepted him. They condoned him. Condone. This is actually a great word to describe the change that happened. What does condone mean? It means to regard or treat something bad or blameworthy as acceptable. Please read this again if you missed it: to allow or condone something means to treat it as acceptable, rather than bad or blameworthy. What once was viewed as an enemy and a problem now becomes your ally, your helper. Here's the point, what I really want you to walk away with: When it comes to the urge to watch porn... Condone, don't combat. Just like Antie, the urge is not your enemy. It's not to your benefit to fight and resist it. Rather, if you change your perspective and see the urge as a friend, as something that can help you on your journey, it actually WILL help you. Next week we're going to explore a game-changing discovery: when you make the shift from combating to condoning, what once was your enemy becomes the key to your freedom. And we'll look at how to actually make this happen in your life. Next step! Dan P. S. Have you checked out the New Paths Podcast yet? Listen to it here, or you can find it on most podcast players!