Step into the fresh air of freedom from porn.
Dan Johnson
"I've tried to stop so many times, but nothing works!"
"I'm tired of living with the constant guilt and shame."
"I've been trying to break this habit for years, but I just can't."
"I'm tired of not living to my full potential."
"I want to stop feeling like I'm living a double life."
"I want to start being the man I know I can be."
I tried everything to be free. I did the work (filters, books, accountability, counseling, small groups).
But I would always come to that intense frontline moment of temptation, and I couldn't resist.
Until it finally dawned on me:
I didn't have a practical, effective plan for the frontline temptation.
If you want to stop spinning your wheels and start seeing victories, you need the three-part Frontline Framework in place:
A practical, repeatable, and EFFECTIVE plan for that frontline temptation.
The ability to stay in the driver's seat and out of "zombie mode" so you can actually IMPLEMENT your plan in that intense moment.
In order to choose something different from porn in the moment, you need clear, compelling reasons.
Install The Frontline Framework in YOUR life, and you CAN stop the endless cycle of porn doom!
Want to implement The Frontline Framework into your life and accelerate your freedom?
Then Journeymen is for you!
Journeymen: Frontline Freedom Training
Learn the essential art and skill of urge mastery
Feel confident about those moments of temptation (never again wonder HOW to handle those urges)
Experience what it feels like to stay in the driver's seat in the midst of that frontline temptation ("zombie mode" will be a thing the past!)
Get exciting and immediate victories under your belt, building momentum towards freedom
Practice and fine-tune your plan so that you can feel confident, poised, and in control
Clearly define your exciting destination, what you're moving TO: the positive, exciting dreams and possibilities for your life (not just stopping a behavior, but moving into something so much better!)
Take real, meaningful steps towards your dreams and goals (those things that you've thought about a hundred times but never pursued)
Journeymen is an online, weekly small group. But it's not your typical small group.
This is not an accountability group. This is an action group!
We meet every week to take practical steps to install the The Frontline Framework into daily life so that those moments of temptation are no longer obstacles. They become opportunities.
Take real, actionable steps to install the essential skill of urge mastery into your life. Take massive steps forward together in a safe, encouraging community with other guys that are on the same journey as you!
Move into freedom. Tap into your potential. Open up new, exciting horizons!
The stakes couldn't be higher. This is your life, your legacy, your impact.
With a full money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose, and literally everything to gain.
You get one life. Live it fully.
Live it free.​
"Really have had a great week and the joy is evident in my heart and to my family. The work we are doing together is monumental."
Joining Journeymen is easy!
Schedule a free call
Click the button below to email Dan and set up a call. This is a non-salesy, non-pushy conversation Dan, exploring whether Journeymen is a good fit for you and your freedom journey.
Embark on the Journey
Meet weekly with Dan and a small group of guys who are pursuing the same freedom. We'll journey together to install The Frontline Framework, train in the skill of urge mastery, and build momentum towards real, lasting freedom.
Experience exhilarating freedom
Experience the freedom that you only dreamed was possible! Step into the wonderful, fresh air of freedom! The shame, guilt, and fear is replaced with confidence, hope, and exciting new horizons!
You're on a hero's journey.'re not alone.
And it's not your fault!
No one ever explained to you that there IS an effective way to repeatedly handle temptation, those intense cravings that keep you locked in this struggle. No one ever told you that it's actually a skill ANYONE CAN LEARN!
And if you simply acquire this skill, porn loses it's power over you, and you CAN step into the fresh air of freedom!​​
It took me over 20 years of struggling with porn to finally discover this life-changing truth. This discovery, and learning the skill of effectively handling the frontline temptation was one of the most life-changing experiences in my life.
I know what it feels like to want desperately to be free of porn, and to fail over and over again. I know what it feels like to experience crushing shame and guilt.
And, I know what it feels like (or I know what it takes) to step into real, lasting, fresh air of freedom.
And it's absolutely exhilarating.
And because I know what that feels like, I'm desperate for you to experience this too.
I'm desperate for you to step out of the shackles. To step out of the haze, the poison, the fog, to remove yourself from the endless cycle of porn doom. To experience life as a free man. To learn and acquire the essential skill of urge mastery, which will serve you in massive ways for the rest of your life.
I'm desperate for you to step into a life of dreams, of possibility, of new and exciting horizons.
If you're reading these words right now, you're a HERO.
Why? Because it means you want to be free. You're taking action. You're taking steps on the freedom journey, which is one of the most noble, important, and courageous journeys you could ever embark upon.
And that makes you a hero.
But don't go it alone. Because the truth is, you're not alone.
Studies ​show at least two-thirds of men view porn at least weekly, and 80-90% of men have viewed porn in the past month.
If you struggle with porn, you're not alone. Far from it.
It's one of the most common habits among men, and yet everyone pretends it's not a thing.
But the truth is that while it is common, porn is stealing away your potential, your dreams, and your life. And the time has come to be done with it once and for all.
Your life is too short, too important, and too precious to allow porn to siphon away any more of this one life that you get.
And the thing is, it's absolutely possible for you!
The path forward is clear. It's not a mystery. I've done it. I've laid out the path before you.
All you have to do is take a step forward.
Don't spend another day in chains. You don't have to live this one precious life in the haze of shame and guilt.
You weren't meant to live this way. Your life is too important, too precious, too valuable to be hindered any longer by the life-choking habit of porn.​
But now you know. And now, the only thing standing between you and a life of exhilarating freedom and possibility is taking a step.
Click the button below to send me an email simply stating that you're interested in learning more about Journeymen. We'll discuss it together and find out if it's the right fit for you, and if it is...
You can begin one of the most thrilling, life-changing journeys of your life!